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The Dawn Jarvis Show

Thank you for listening, lets talk soon D. 

Jun 28, 2022

Is it possible to be successful in business without niching down?

In todays episode of  The Dawn Jarvis Show we are going to be talking to Darragh Lucey a successful entrepreneur who has mastered being the Jack of all trades

Serial entrepreneur Darragh Lucy is 27, is from Ireland and has dipped his toes in a number of areas including almost becoming a professional footballer, travelling the world with a backpack, and starting a few of businesses, selling a couple and crashing some more.

He now has a job while continuing his entrepreneurial adventures and he has now ventured into the content creation space with his Youtube Channel

Join us as we discuss his journey, what motivates him, his love of books, how is is constantly redefining himself authentically while not taking life too seriously.

Darragh's Book recommendations 

Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of NIKE, Phill Knight

4 Hour Work Week Timothy Ferris

Happy Why More or less everything is absolutely fine: Derren Brown

Connect with Darragh On Instagram

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